73rd Annual Produce Show

Saturday 3rd August 2024

73rd Annual Produce Show
Its our Annual Lerryn Produce show on August 3rd from 2:30pm
There really is something for everyone to take part in with classes in Fruit, Vegetables, Flowers, Decorative, Cookery and Arts and Crafts with some impressive trophies and prizes, so please have a look through our schedule. All entry forms must be returned by August 1st 3:00pm to Lerryn River Stores, or sent via email by the same time to lerrynproduce@gmail.co.uk.
Its free to enter, but please note there are some classes that require a membership to obtain the trophy (see page 8 in the schedule). Membership is only £1 and you can pop a £1 in with your entry forms, or if you are entering via email, please let us know you are interested in becomming a member and we can arrange the payment with you.