Lerryn Players

What do we do?
Whatever we do, we do it together. From the beginning, both adults and children have been involved, and people from all sorts of backgrounds, with all sorts of talents, have worked together as a group to achieve what they wanted. Many of us, in the process, have developed talents we never even knew we had.
Learning new things is part of the fun. As soon as we had a bit more money - and enough credibility to apply for grants - we sent adults on courses in stage costume and make-up, and provided on-site drama training for local children.
Come and join us!
We always welcome help, and not just on stage. We need all the other people without whom productions would never happen: people willing to try their hand at organising seating, applying make-up, sorting out refreshments, working with the backstage crew, joining the committee, supporting children's roles, helping with sound and lighting, playing the piano - or other instruments! - for us, writing scripts, making costumes, props, scenery etc. Please get in touch if you are interested; contact details are at the end.
Christmas 2024
The Lerryn Players present a family pantomime
Long Gone Silver
A pantomime for all the family
Written by David Bailey
6th and 7th December at Lerryn Memorial Hall from 7pm.
Past events
2023 Christmas show Pol, Dark & 'Ansome
2022 Christmas show 'Hiding Red Flying Hood'
2019 Christmas show 'Lerryn's Christmas Crackers!',
2019 Spring - Domestic (Dis)harmony comedies
2018 Spring - Wild West Cabaret; Christmas - Babes in Ethy Wood
2017 Spring - Village Life comedies; Christmas - Sleeping Beauty
2016 Hoodwinked
2015 Old Time Music Hall
2014 Spring - The Opposite Sex; Christmas - Cinderella ll: The Sisters Strike Back!
2013 Christmas Cabaret
2012 King Arthur
2011 The Panto of the Opera
2010 Dick Whittington
2009 June - Summer Revue; Christmas - The Recession Revue
2008 Beauty and the Beast
2007 Jack and the Beanstalk
2006 Sinbad
2005 Robin Hood and the Singing Nun
2004 Christmas Revue
2003 Cinderella
2002 Spring - Jubilee Cabaret; Christmas - A Lad in Lerryn
2001 June - Summer Revue; Christmas - The Real Wind in the Willows
2000 Olive Green and the Seven Giants
How to make contact
Call Chairman David Bailey on 01208 871631, Treasurer Anne Vipond 01208 872648, or speak to any other committee member.