British Legion - Lerryn & Boconnoc Branch
Your local branch of the national ex service organisation. We hold an annual meeting to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal and other events during the year. The annual Remembrance Day Parade takes place on alternate years at St. Veep or Boconnoc Church.
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Church of England Churches

There are three churches near Lerryn where there are services on most Sundays.
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Boconnoc, St Veep & St Winnow
Fourth Thursday Friends
No agenda; no mission statement! - just a chance for local people to meet once a month for a friendly chat - 10.30-12.00 on fourth Thursdays.
Get in touch
Trelinhay, Lerryn, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0QB
Fowey River Canoe Club
The Fowey River Canoe Club is a small Club numbering barely 40 members. Members' ages range from about 10 to over 70 and is well-known nationally for producing top class paddlers as well as being a friendly and hospitable club. New members are always welcome and no previous experience is needed. All the equipment you need is provided, as the boat has a good range of top quality, well maintained boats and can also provide paddles and buoyancy aids. The only thing you need to bring are old clothes that you don't mind getting wet, a towel and possibly dry clothes to change into.
Beginners training sessions are on a Tuesday night and anyone wanting to come along should contact the Club through their website - Fowey River Canoe Club - or their Facebook page:
For more information just ask Caity in Lerryn River Stores.
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Friends of Boconnoc Church
Friends of Boconnoc Church (FoBC) is a registered charity whose aim is to support the fabric and upkeep of Boconnoc Parish Church. FoBC organise fundraising events in the form of musical concerts concerts and social events.
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Friends of St Winnow Church
The Friends all share a love of the historic Church of St Winnow, set as it is in such a beautiful position. Through various fund raising and social events during the year The Friends are able to help the PCC with a number of conservation and innovative projects e.g. the long awaited new toilet! For more details please contact the Membership Secretary, Julie Devine on 01208 872756
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Friends of the Fowey Estuary
Friends of the Fowey Estuary was formed in 1999 to provide a focus for voluntary activities for the conservation of the Estuary. A wide range of recreational, educational and conservation activities are undertaken, often in conjunction with the Fowey Estuary Partnership and other conservation groups. Our membership is open to local residents, sailors, fisherman, walkers, artists, bird-watchers, naturalists, cyclists, holiday makers and everyone who is interested in the care and wellbeing of the Fowey estuary. We have an active educational and social programme. Please see our website for more information by clicking on the link above. Contact Vicki Carver, Membership Secretary on 01208 873357
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Ladies' Dining Club
Over ten years ago, four Lerryn residents thought that it would be a good idea for like-minded ladies to sample together the food delights of Cornwall. The first outing, for 14 Lerryn ladies, was to the Tiapan restaurant in Fowey. We go out three or four times a year to a variety of restaurants and we take it in turn to organise the outings.
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Lerryn & District Produce Association

The Lerryn Produce Association was formed by a group of enthusiastic local gardeners during 1949 and the Annual Show has been held on the first Saturday in August since that time. From the start the Show has been organised in conjunction with Lerryn Women’s Institute who are responsible for whipping up our culinary classes.
The Show is an opportunity for enthusiastic local gardeners (whatever ability) to display their produce in a variety of classes from the most unusual shaped vegetable to beautiful flower displays.
We hold a very popular Plant and Cake Sale at the end of May each year as well as the main Annual Show the first Saturday in August.
We need both our young and older residents to help this important part of village life to continue. Please come and join us. The Annual Subscription is only £1 per year, which you can pay at our Plant and Cake Sale at the end of May or any time up to 10 am on Show Day. Please be aware that some of the trophies are only awarded to Members, so please join.
More infoGet in touch
Penny Philp, 01208 873169
Lerryn Area Minibus Association (LAMA)

Lerryn has its own minibus. It is run on a voluntary basis by the Lerryn Area Minibus Association (LAMA) for use by people who live in the Lerryn Area. The Lerryn Area encompasses: Lerryn, St Veep, St Winnow, Boconnoc, Lostwithiel and the districts that surround them.
More infoGet in touch
Lanwithan View, Silverlake, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0JP
Lerryn Art Group

Lerryn Art Group meets on alternate Tuesdays in Lerryn Memorial Hall from 10.30 to 3.30pm. We are a friendly and supportive group, each getting on with our own artwork (beginners and more experienced artists) whilst enjoying the company of other members. We occasionally have visiting tutors or show art dvds. If you are interested in joining us, you are welcome to come for a taster session. The membership fee is currently £85 per annum which can be paid quarterly.
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Lerryn Chess Club
We are a friendly, informal group, meeting in the Ship Inn at 7.00 on Tuesday evenings in term time. We welcome new members and all levels of experience.We are affiliated to the Cornish Chess Association and play in the league.
Contact Phil for more information.
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Lerryn Film Club
Lerryn Film Club is a Private Members' Club, whose main object is to promote the enjoyment of films by its members. New members are welcome for the forthcoming season. Membership is open to anyone over the age of 18, on payment of the current subscription. Films are shown in Lerryn Memorial Hall on the fourth Thursday of each month from September to April. Members can also bring guests to any of the performances. Please ring the membership secretary to pre-book them.
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Lerryn History Society
The aims of the Society are (a) to research and preserve the history of Lerryn and surrounding area. (b) to preserve, maintain and continue the "Lerryn Village Archive" in a variety of media formats. (c) to hold meetings and exhibitions for the benefit of members and the local community. Membership costs £20 and £5 for guest - To apply, please contact the Chairman, Paul Weatherhogg on 01208 873621.
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Lerryn Ki Aikido

Ki-Aikido is a dynamic Japanese physical art developing the mind and body.
Lessons every Monday in the Memorial Hall.
Get in touch
1 Lerryn View, Lerryn, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0QJ
Lerryn Memorial Hall

Originally built in 1926 as a village institute, the previous hall was extended in the late 1950s and dedicated to all those from the village who gave their lives in the First and Second World Wars. The hall was always the centre of Lerryn village life but by the end of the 20th century had become somewhat dilapidated. It was therefore decided to raise funds for a complete rebuild in time for the new millennium. Under the leadership of Francis Allfrey this was achieved using funds raised by the people of Lerryn and by outside funding. In June 2000 the hall was reopened by the Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall and re-dedicated to the memory of those who gave their lives. It continues to be known as the Memorial Hall. The new building features a snooker room with a full sized snooker table, a large hall with a stage for performances, a well equipped kitchen and three store rooms, and also an upstairs committee room. It is licensed for public performances. In the main hall are: a projector and screen for showing films; stage lights and stage curtains; and plenty of chairs and tables. As well as film presentations the hall is used on a regular basis for Pantomimes, Plays, Films, Revues and other public performances, for Lerryn School activities, Lerryn W.I. meetings, Lerryn Art Group, Lerryn Produce Association, physical activities such as Yoga and Ki Aikido, Art/Craft shows and various committee meetings. It also hosts courses, parties and weddings. Our Memorial Hall is an amenity of which we are all proud!
When booking the Hall please remember that the keys, available via the keysafe by the door, will be made available to you according to the purposes for which you have booked it. Usually, hirers need just the one key that opens the front door and most of the interior doors. However, if you book to use the hired wine/beer glasses, for example, the keys in the keysafe for you will include a key for the cupboard where they are kept. If you book to show a film, you will need keys to operate the screen and projector. Just make your proposed actiities clear on the booking form. use the booking form here.
PLEASE NOTE WHEN PAYING FOR YOUR BOOKING THAT THE PAYMENT CANOT BE PROCESSED UNLESS YOU INCLUDE THE BOOKING REFERENCE NUMBER. This begins with 'MH' followed by numbers up to 10,000. You will find it on the confirmation emailed to you after making a booking request.
More infoGet in touch
Homeleigh, Fore Street, Lerryn, LOSTWITHIEL, Cornwall, PL22 0PT
Lerryn Parent Toddler Group

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Lerryn Players

People in the Lerryn area have never been backward about 'strutting their stuff'. Long before our present Hall was built, many a good show was hosted in the old Institute building by the Lerryn Entertainment Group.
Once we had the new Hall and a stage, a Players group was quickly formed, and they mounted a full pantomime there as early as December 2000.
This set a pattern: there has been a pre-Christmas entertainment in the Hall every year since - often, but not always, a pantomime.
By 2004, the Lerryn Players was a registered charity (1109782), with its own constitution and the beginning of its own traditions.
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Lerryn School

Get in touch
Lerryn, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0QA
Lerryn Snooker Club

Lerryn Snooker Club - This is not a men only club, ladies are very welcome to join us. We have one full sized table located in the Snooker Room in Lerryn Memorial Hall - Junior Membership available to young persons (Aged 14 to 17) £5. 00 per annum - Full Membership available to persons aged 18 and over £15.00 per annum - Pay meter for table lights - £1.00 per 1/2 hour - 2 teams entered in League competitions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays - Annual knockout competitions for Snooker and Billiards - Visitors welcome, accompanied by a member - New members welcome : Contact John Hancock, Treasurer and Secretary on 01208 873478
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Lerryn Walkers
Get in touch.
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Lerryn Website
The group initiated and now administers the Lerryn website,
Get in touch
1 Lerryn View, Lerryn, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0QJ
Lerryn Women's Institute

Lerryn WI meets on the first Wednesday of each month in Lerryn Memorial Hall at 7.15pm. Meetings are usually short but lively, followed by an invited speaker. Topics are wide ranging. For instance, we've had Wine Tasting, Local Marine Coastal Biology, Newquay Zoo, Shelterbox and Chelsea Flower Show, to name but a few. So it's not just "how to make a brooch out of beechnut husks" or "who can bake the best cake"! There are fantastic opportunities for members to be sponsored for a huge range of residential courses and local education courses. We have fun outings and lots of projects. Please email or phone for more details - or just come along to one of the meetings. Visitors are very welcome and, although we would love to extend our membership, you won't be put under any pressure to join!
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Lerryn Yoga Circle

Yoga means health and happiness through Stress Relief. Come and join us in Lerryn Memorial Hall for some gentle exercise and breathing practice, and discover your centre of wellness. We practise Hatha Yoga for one and a half hours on Mondays from 1.30.p.m. and Tuesdays from 7.30.p.m. It is advisable to wear loose clothing, and to bring a mat, blanket/sleeping bag to add to your comfort when lying down for relaxation.The cost is £5.00 per session. Visitors and Beginners are always welcome. Contact Rosemary on 01208 873621.
Get in touch is the group that runs the website and the Facebook page. We are a small group and happy for new people who want to help run the site or add photos or other content.
Get in touch
1 Lerryn View, Lerryn, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0QJ
Lostwithiel and Area University of The Third Age

We are a U3A Group drawing our members mostly from Lostwithiel and the surrounding areas of Lerryn, Lanlivery, Golant, Bodmin and Fowey. U3A is a self-help organisation for people who are retired, semi-retired or no longer in full time employment, providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment. We have over 20 Interest Groups, ranging from Bird Watching to Wine Appreciation. For more details see our website.
Get in touch
c/o 10 Cott Road, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0ET
LSA (Lerryn School Association)

The LSA is made up of a small group of parents who organise and run special events during the school year with the aim to raise funds for anything and everything the school may require. We have held yearly Winter and Summer Fairs, Soup and Sweet lunches, Curry Quiz nights, Cake raffles, Easter egg hunts, Sponsored Bike rides and encourage all parents and children with their own fundraising ideas. We have been so fortunate with our relationship with Lerryn School who support us every step of the way and blessed with a wonderful group of pupils always ready to perform a song or two or run their own games and stalls at fairs. Lerryn is so fortunate to have such a kind and generous community, parents and staff. With all their help we have raised amazing amounts of money that enabled School trips, school bikes, play equipment, Litter picking tools, Yr 6 leaving hoodies and Residentials.
The Lerryn School Association are raising money to retain a second teacher for our children at Lerryn Primary School. We have been overwhelmed by the loving support from the village so far and can't thank you enough for your generosity and kindness.
Get in touch
Arch Cottage, Lerryn , Lostwithiel, PL220PZ
Neighbourhood Watch
Your local Neighbourhood Watch Team is a link between the Community and the Police. Currently waiting for more members. If you have an emergency where you feel threatened, witness an accident or see suspicious activity do not hesitate to call 999 immediately. Alternatively, you can report criminal activity to PCSO Tom Barnes at Looe Police Station on 08452 777444
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Parish Council, Boconnoc
Parish Council, St Veep

Meetings are held on the second Thursday of every month in the Red Store, Lerryn at 7.30pm EXCEPT on the dates when the tides are too high for access, in which case the meetings will take place in the Committee Room of the Memorial Hall. The Public may attend these meetings and there is an opportunity within the meeting for public participation. Morley Tubb, Parish Clerk: 01726 870210
Visit our website for further details of our work:
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Parish Council, St Winnow
St Winnow Parish Council Meetings are held every month (except August) on the first Tuesday and commence at 7.30 pm. Meetings are held in the Red Store, Lerryn. The Public may attend meetings and there is an opportunity within the meeting for public participation. Visit our website for further details of our work.
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Restormel Arts
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St Austell TIC, Southbourne Road, St Austell, Cornwall, PL25 4RS
A very small village organisation formed 26 years ago to encourage boating on the Lerryn and Fowey rivers. With no constitution, rules, regulations, subscriptions, fees, funds or premises, it consists solely of a committee of eight members who organise two boating events on the river each year. The committee meets irregularly at The Ship Inn to discuss, with adequate lubrication, the complexities of organising the world famous British Seagull Outboard Motor Race around Christmas time and the "Summer Solstice" event in mid-summer. Any money raised is donated to the RNLI, village organisations and local charities. For more info check the Calendar pages nearer the date.
Get in touch
Goonpiper, Lerryn, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0QA
RNLI - Lostwithiel & District Branch

The local branch of the RNLI is lively, active and well supported by the residents of Lerryn, Lostwithiel and the surrounding area. The Branch organises a programme of fundraising events locally and these have proved very popular. Watch the Calendar on this website for details. The RNLI, and particularly the men and women who crew the lifeboats in all weather conditions, are grateful for the support provided by our community. We look forward to your continued participation in Branch activities. For further information and details of membership please contact our Secretary on
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Supporters of St Veep Church
The Supporters all share a love of the historic Church of St Veep. Through various fund raising and social events during the year The Supporters are able to help the PCC with a number of conservation and innovative projects. For more details please contact Penny Philp on 01208 873169
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Tai Chi Qigong
Mindful movement - tai chi qigong for health and well-being
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The Bridge Magazine
The Bridge Magazine is now into its 21st year of publication. It is basically a Community Magazine for the cluster of Lostwithiel Churches (St Bartholomew, St Veep, St Winnow, Boconnoc, Bradoc, Lanlivery and St Nectan).
It is published monthly in black and white A5 format, and generally comprises 20 pages. About 500 copies are distributed and community events and notices are included free of charge.
There is limited space for commercial adverts, and these cost £5.00 per ¼ page, £10.00 per ½ page and £20.00 for a full page.
The deadline for publication is 10th of each month, and copy matter should be sent to
The magazine currently costs 60p per issue, or £5.00 for an annual subscription. If you would like to receive a copy, please contact Catherine Murphy in the Administration Office, St Bartholomew’s Church, Lostwithiel, PL22 0EG or email
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The Red Store

The Red Store at Lerryn is a prominent feature of the south bank of the river. It is a Community Interest Company (The Red Store Lerryn, C.I.C.) with a Chairman, 9 Directors and a Membership of currently 42.
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The Red Store Book Club
The Book Group meets most weeks on the second Tuesday of the month at 2.00pm in the Red Store. We are a small group who enjoy reading and discussing books. There is a small charge of £1.50 per person which includes refreshments.
At the moment, we are full but do not hesitate to contact Rosemary Weatherhogg on 01208 873621 if you would like to go on our waiting list.
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The Red Store Bridge Group
The Bridge Group meets most Thursday afternoons at 2pm in the Red Store. We are a small group of bridge players of different ability who enjoy a friendy and sociable game with a cup of tea or coffee (and biscuits!) and would be pleased to welcome anyone who would like to join us. Contact Paul Weatherhogg on 01208 873621 for further details. There is a small charge of £1.50 per person.
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The Red Store Scrabble Group
The Scrabble group meets on alternate Tuesday afternoons at 2pm in the Red Store. We are a small group who enjoy a friendy and sociable game with a cuppa and would be pleased to welcome anyone who would like to join us Our next meeting is Tuesday 20th December at 2pm. If you would like a lift please contact Sue Watts on 01208 871513. There is a small charge of £1 per person
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Tuesday Club
The Tuesday Club started over 35 years ago as a Young Wives Group for the parishes of St Veep and St Winnow. As the years went by and we all got older, it was decided to rename the group as the Tuesday Club. The group welcomes women of all ages to the monthly meetings held on the last Tuesday of each month (except July, August and December). There is no formal membership or annual subscription but a charge is made to cover the cost of hiring the hall etc. We have speakers and demonstrators covering a variety of subjects and we also visit gardens and places of interest. If you would like more information, please phone Penny Philp on 01208 873169.
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Whitecross & District Gardening Club
Whitecross & District Gardening Club meets on the third Thursday of each month at Whitecross Village Hall. It is a lively friendly club with over 60 members .
Our wide and varied programme offers a range of topics plus the occasional opportunity to buy plants from specialist growers. We also arrange visits to several gardens throughout the year to enjoy the wonderful range of plants that thrive in the West country
In December the Village Hall is transformed for the Christmas Party, a special event, where we enjoy a delicious meal together with our partners in a warm friendly atmosphere.
Our Annual Plant Sale and cream teas held on the last Saturday in May from 2pm gives a great opportunity to buy plants raised by our members :- vegetables, perennials, annuals and shrubs - at very reasonable prices.
Membership is £10 pa and visitors are also very welcome .Entry for visitors is normally £3 but may be more for a special speaker.
Our 2019/2020 programme of talks, visits and other events is available now! (See also Website Calendar) Copies available from Sue Watts and is shown on the Lerryn Plant & Produce Noticeboard.
For further details contact Sue Watts on 01208 871513 or for membership contact Pattie on 01208 872041.
Get in touch
Colwood Cottage, Colwood Cottage, Couchs Mill, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0NH